
China the Warrior and China the Trader

Re “The Chinese Invasion,” editorial, July 3: Your editorial regarding the economic implications of China’s rise is spot on. But your comparison between it and Japan misses a crucial point: military power. Japan’s rise was possible thanks largely to its democratic constitution, which forbids it from maintaining a proper army, let alone being aggressive.

China, by contrast, is in the process of arming itself to the teeth.

With a vast number of poor and unemployed citizens needing distraction from corrupt and restrictive government practices, China’s totalitarian government may use its newly acquired force to invade Taiwan, a peaceful and democratic island nation. An emasculated China is not a friendly China.

Patrick Dore

Vancouver, Canada


Your editorial really shows maturity and leadership of a major media source. There are too many leaders out there who have created a picture of China that is not true and could even be dangerous.


Wal-Mart has 46 stores in China and plans to double that number in two years.

Numerous other American firms also have plants in China.

Does China feel threatened by this American Invasion? No.

Wallace Jeong

Yorba Linda
