
Bush’s ‘second wind’ blows no good

I almost choked on my breakfast when I read the July 10 headline “After Flagging Support, a Second Wind for Bush.” Are you kidding? We went into the war in Iraq on President Bush’s falsified information about terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. The terrorists from 9/11 did not come out of Iraq. Bush has maintained the mantra, “We’re taking the fight to the terrorists abroad so we don’t have to face them here at home.”

I contend that London and Madrid are considered “home” to Americans. Saddam Hussein’s removal and our troops occupying Iraq have not kept the terrorists away from our “home.” Bush was very wrong and still is.

Barbara Farren

Rancho Palos Verdes


Your analysis assumes that the American people will continue to accept the president’s insistence on linking terrorism to the current insurgency in Iraq. Perhaps they will, and perhaps people will recognize the link as being one that this administration created as a self-fulfilling prophecy.


Robert Silver

Los Angeles


It all has a ring of familiarity to it: Bush’s job approval rating is down, and many are wondering why they voted for him. Then, voila, a terrorist attack. The president’s sagging numbers reverse themselves. America’s paranoia works to the president’s advantage.

Larry Tamblyn

