
Branded by quality

In “At HBO, the Bonfire of the Vanity Projects” (July 10), Paul Brownfield makes a good point that HBO may be suddenly over-branding itself. But “The Comeback” is a terrific show, with Lisa Kudrow doing extraordinary, funny, often heartbreaking work. “The Comeback” is so painfully truthful that it doesn’t fit into any previous sitcom pattern, which may be why it’s slow to catch on.

Likewise, “Entourage,” a way, way inside look at young Hollywood, has sensational writing, acting and directing that are hilariously on the mark. If neither show is a breakout hit, it isn’t for lack of originality.

Programming at HBO may be following a suddenly predictable pattern, but, far from being “vanity projects,” as the headline of the article implies, these shows deliver quality and compulsive watchability.


Stephen Collins

Los Angeles

Stephen Collins is an actor (“7th Heaven”) and “not friends with any of the creative talent involved” in the HBO shows mentioned.
