
Kidnapping Case Is a Disgrace for the U.S.

“Italy Orders Arrests of 13 CIA Operatives” (June 25) describes the snatching of a radical Egyptian imam as “extraordinary rendition.” Rendition is nothing new. Our government has sent unlawful combatants and alleged terrorists to Syria, Egypt and other countries. These countries are known and have been criticized in human rights circles, including our very own State Department, for practicing torture.

Recently, Luis Posada Carriles, a Cuban CIA-trained operative, was arrested in Miami for immigration violation. He is wanted by Venezuela and Cuba for terrorist activity, including the downing of a Cuban airliner that killed scores of civilians. The government of Venezuela has asked for his extradition and the U.S. government has refused. Posada is seeking political asylum.

These two stories are indicative of how international law is being flagrantly violated and why the world has turned against us.


Robert Pisapia

Westlake Village


I certainly am embarrassed to be an American after reading that the nation of Italy is searching to put American agents on trial for the continued international kidnapping that the CIA does in the name of Sept. 11. May Italy find justice with a vengeance.

Matt McLaughlin

Santa Barbara
