
Some Diverse Opinions About College Baseball

Bill Plaschke, in your column “College Baseball Clearly Short of Black Players,” you bemoan that “the lack of diversity will again be impossible to hide.” Answer: Who cares, there’s nothing to hide.

You’ve gone from writing about a subject you don’t know much about, sports, (remember “UCLA owns this town”?) to a subject you know about even less, liberal social commentary that does not belong in the Sports section.

Baseball is one of the last free areas in life where the best players play due to their skill. No coach keeps out his best due to color and your whiny article was unnecessary.


Glenn R. Tanner

Palos Verdes Estates

Bill Plaschke’s article was an insult to black athletes and college baseball. It implied black athletes are unable to make their own decisions and are simply victims, while college baseball is run by racists.

The fact is, most black athletes choose football, basketball, track and other sports over college baseball. College baseball does not discriminate against black athletes. Black athletes discriminate against college baseball.

This is an issue of choice, not race.

Dan Aranda

West Hills
