
Special election had little point, lots of cost

Re “Gov.’s New Proposition:

Cooperation,” Nov. 11

So Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger says his new idea is to be more collaborative and cooperative. With whom? The liberal Democrats and the unions that run this state? I guess, if he wants to remain a politician, that is probably what he needs to do. The California voters have indicated they want another Gray Davis, although why they went through the trouble of eliminating him I never will understand.

I thought Arnold didn’t particularly want to be a politician; I thought he just wanted to save the state. Guess I was wrong on both counts.

Good intentions and what’s good for the state have nothing to do with anything. Politicians are much like the oil cartel. Their personal interests and careers are paramount, not the good of whoever they are representing. I can live with the tax hike that is coming, but if they destroy Proposition 13, they will destroy the state.





Schwarzenegger has now taken full responsibility for his initiatives. How about his reimbursing all the teachers, firefighters and the public for the expenses we incurred? Otherwise, his words are empty.




Gov. Schwarzenegger’s stated “remorse” at calling the special election would sound more genuine if he would pay back the state for the costs of holding it. This is not a movie, it was real money he wasted.


Seal Beach
