
LAPD administration, officer accountability

Re “Betrayal, not bullets, is what cops fear,” Current, Sept. 4

My heart goes out to Jack Dunphy. Imagine, you can lose your job just because you beat a suspect with your flashlight while he is being held down by several other officers. Dunphy’s next example is especially egregious. An officer who is off to the side of a car that is backing into an unoccupied police car in the heat of the moment fires into the car, killing the 13-year-old driver. This officer should be decorated for taking a felon off the streets.

I know that we can’t resurrect Los Angeles Police Chief William Parker, but we could bring back former Chief Daryl Gates and have a police department accountable only to itself. Get rid of these guys who want a department accountable to the public.




The Los Angeles Police Department officer identifying himself with the pseudonym Jack Dunphy again writes a very honest, candid piece that needs wide dissemination, especially among the LAPD administration. My fear is that instead of dealing with the issues raised by Dunphy, the department’s first instinctive response will be to attempt to identify and negatively deal with the author.



Huntington Beach
