
Squeeze on Iran’s oil is an act of war

Re “U.S. puts the squeeze on Iran’s oil fields,” Jan. 7

Does anyone appreciate the significance of this article? The United States is trying to dissuade international banks from financing oil projects in Iran, hoping to damage that nation’s ability to export oil. Oil is the lifeblood of the Iranian economy; it allows Iran to feed its people and care for them.

Is it not clear that the U.S. action is itself an act of war against the Iranian people? This technique is strikingly similar to one the United States used against Chile in the early 1970s, when it destabilized the Chilean economy as a prelude to the coup that toppled President Salvador Allende.

The U.S. government thinks it has the right to destabilize and dominate the entire globe. Can any clear-thinking person still believe that the U.S. is a peace-loving nation?



Silver Lake
