
Cheney’s defense of Iraq war policy

Re “Cheney defends decisions on Iraq,” Jan. 25

Apparently, Vice President Dick Cheney feels that if he doesn’t accept something, it’s “hogwash.” It’s that kind of blind arrogance that got us into trouble in Iraq in the first place. As with most in this administration, there is no room for intelligent discussion. It’s always their way or the highway. Sounds a bit like the “Muslim fundamentalists” the White House is always blaming.

Regarding the White House’s assertion that talking about “family members ought to be off the limits,” it certainly didn’t feel that way in the 2004 election when it trashed Theresa Heinz-Kerry.




Thanks to Cheney, I finally understand why we are in Iraq. He said, “But we have, in fact, accomplished our objectives of getting rid of” Saddam Hussein. Odd, I thought we invaded because of terrorism, 9/11 and Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.



Simi Valley


Bush’s new Iraq war policy is neither a surge nor an escalation. Both, by definition, require an addition of fresh troops. Bush’s “new” policy is an overextension of our existing troops. Battle-weary troops are being told to stay longer, and stateside troops are being redeployed ahead of time. At the same time, our Department of Veterans Affairs, which is responsible for caring for injured troops, may not have enough resources to do its job. We should not be afraid to call this what it is -- a recipe for disaster, abroad and at home.


Sherman Oaks
