
Bill focuses on clean air

Re “Halos and pitchforks,” editorial, Sept. 28

While The Times is right in supporting SB 210, it misses the mark on AB 118, a bill driven by the crisis of air pollution plaguing California that deserves the governor’s support. If signed by the governor, it would annually generate $125 million for research, development and deployment of an alternative fuel infrastructure and vehicles; and $80 million for air quality programs to address air pollution challenges in the San Joaquin Valley and Southern California.

Dismal air quality in such areas as L.A. and Riverside is literally killing thousands of Californians. AB 118 would provide funding for research to evaluate the air quality effect of alternative fuels and establish clear guidelines that help ensure these alternatives don’t inadvertently increase air pollutants. Shifting to cleaner cars and fuels is a critical part of California’s strategy to reduce global warming and protect public health. AB 118 will help make this shift.

Tim Carmichael

Los Angeles

The writer is senior director of policy of the Coalition for Clean Air.


Your editorial wrongly rejects AB 118’s practical approach to advancing alternative fuels and reducing petroleum dependence. Under California’s landmark Global Warming Solutions Act, the state Air Resources Board is establishing a low carbon fuel standard to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10%. To achieve this, the board estimates we need to replace 20% of gasoline consumption with lower-carbon fuels and increase the state’s number of alternative-fuel or hybrid vehicles by more than 7 million. AB 118 funds incentives for more alternative fuels and helps make clean-car technologies affordable for more Californians. With these funds, California drivers will have incentives to retire their old, gas-burning, carbon dioxide-emitting cars. That means fewer children in the L.A. Basin and other communities will have to start their days by taking a hit from asthma inhalers. The governor should sign AB 118.


Fabian Nunez

Speaker of the Assembly

