
Hell to pay for Iraq war

Re “The brave cabbie of Baghdad,” Oct. 11

When will the men of the world stop slaughtering the women and children of the world? And when will they also stop slaughtering each other? How about right now?

Barbara Farren

Rancho Palos Verdes


If we are killing the innocent people we are purportedly attempting to save, then we have already lost this war and may as well bring our troops home.

Jack Redmond

North Hollywood


I was struck by the photograph of Marani Oranis’ daughters and family weeping over her casket. A sense of rage and sadness just exploded within me, and I could not help crying. Have we no shame, no sense of guilt?


How can we just ignore the fact that we went into a country that posed no immediate danger to us and destroyed it? Here was a case of a woman scientist -- who had lost her husband, had lost her profession and was driving a taxi in order to provide for her daughters -- and we killed her, and no one cares. Yes, it was an Australian security outfit that did the killing, but it was because of our reckless and unwarranted actions that this woman found herself in her fatal situation.

For those who believe that no good deed goes unpunished, we will have hell to pay for our actions.

Edgar Nell

Los Angeles
