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Let Online Recruitment Work for You

The Internet has changed the face of recruitment advertising.

Human Resource Managers and Recruiters are finding onlinerecruitment to be a refreshingly simple, efficient and costeffective way to reach qualified applicants.

An effective Internet strategy can add amazing value to youroverall recruitment advertising campaign by helping you maximizeyour results by reaching additiowithopunal applicants.

Why CareerBuilder? and are where cybersavvy job seekers go to search for better careers, researchemployers and post their resumes 24/7. That's why thousands ofbusinesses, both large and small, are posting their jobs heretoo.

The CareerBuilder network and the Los Angeles Times CareerBuildersection combine to make up the #1 online/in-print recruitmentresource in Southern California. Network Audience
In the Los Angeles DMA, there are more than 1 million unique visitors per month and 7.3 million searches per month.

Nationally, there are more than 18.4 million unique visitors per month and 155.6 million searches per month.

National Demographics:
• 48% of our audience are college graduates
• 43% have household income of over $60k
• 27% have household income of over $75k
• 47% are between the ages of 25-44
Sources: Unique users: Comscore, June, 2005; Searches: Internal, May, 2005; Demographics: Media Metrix AiM, Summer, 2004
Advertising Opportunities
Whether you need to fill one or 1,000 jobs, you need CareerBuilder— the source for finding the most qualified candidates.CareerBuilder and its network of exclusive partners reach 100million users every month, so you can connect with the righttalent.

CareerBuilder offers a complete suite of products to meet yourrecruiting needs including Job Postings, access to our ResumeDatabase and Brand Builder.

Job Postings – CareerBuilderenables you to reach the right candidates by ensuring that your joblistings are seen by visitors to more than 600 of the leadingdestination sites for careers on the Web.

Whether you're looking for candidates nationwide, to supportdiversity initiatives, within a specific city, experienced in aparticular industry – or a combination of qualifications– CareerBuilder meets your hiring requirements.

Target active and passive job seekers by posting your job on morethan 600 leading industry and newspaper sites. Each posting is for 30 days.

One Posting   $389   Five Postings   $1,520
Three Postings   $912   Ten Postings   $2,975
25 Postings   $5,000        

Smart Job – Enhance your 30 dayposting with the help of SmartJob. SmartJob uses intelligentmatching to pull resumes matching the criteria set and sends up to25 straight to your inbox.

TEAM(TimesEmploymentApplicationManager)– A paperless way to manage, track, and score applicants withless hassle. Receive all the resumes submitted for your job postingin one place, whether they are emailed or faxed. And the best part,access these through a web-based account so that your personalemail inbox never gets cluttered with responses. $50 perposting.

Here's how it works . . .
1. You place an ad
With each ad, the LA Times provides a unique email address,
fax number, and web link to be displayed within the text of the ad.  
2. Applicants Email or Fax Resumes:
• Applications are received in one central location
• Auto response e-mail sent to the candidate moments upon receiving
a new resume
3. Resumes are placed in your online Inbox
• One central location
• Quality resumes identified
• Resumes screened
• Resumes scored

Resume Database – CareerBuilder'sResume Database, containing millions of fresh resumes, can help youpull career summaries on demand, reach passive job seekers, andincrease your recruiting efficiency.

With our network of over 600 of the best broad appeal, industry,local and diversity sites on the Web, CareerBuilder pinpoints thequalified candidates you are trying to reach — even if theyare not actively visiting career sites.

Now, you can access targeted segments of the database by theindustry category of your choice in both blue and white-collarcategories across a broad range of experience levels. You can evensearch for hourly employees in the industry category of yourchoice.

All Categories / LA DMA only
  1 Week   1 Year
  $400   $4,812

All Categories / All Markets
  2 weeks   1 Month   3 Months   1 Year
National Database $900   $1,650   $3,960   $8,988

Brand Builder – With intensecompetition in the marketplace, it's important for your company todifferentiate itself form the rest of the crowd. Brand Builderallows you to stand out amongst the crowd and share with jobseekers the benefits and work environment your organization canoffer them. With millions of job seekers visiting CareerBuilderevery month, your Brand Builder page will provide job seekers theinformation they need to choose your company above the rest. • $150 per month •

Print-to-Web* – Increase your reachby placing your display recruitment ads online with interactivefunctionality. Job seekers can link directly to your website,e-mail to your HR contact, view enlarged ad and e-mail the ad to afriend.

Featured Advertiser Tile* – Standout from the crowd by running a Featured Advertiser tile Available in 1, 3, 6, and 12 monthterms.

Banner Advertising* – It's notenough to post jobs and wait for candidates to find them. Ourbanner ads help drive qualified job seekers to your job postingsand build awareness for your employment brand. Banner ads areprominently displayed across Target your banner tovarious editorial pages to capture the audience you're seeking.Rates based on cost per thousand impressions.

* Print-to-Web, Featured Advertiser Tileand Banner advertising offered on only.
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