
Readers React: The people who pay for the gig economy

A sign marks a pickup point for the Uber car service at LaGuardia Airport in New York in 2017.
A sign marks a pickup point for the Uber car service at LaGuardia Airport in New York in 2017.
(Seth Wenig / AP)

To the editor: The op-ed makes the meaning of the gig economy very clear: owners and investors make gigamillions and the workers who support them can’t make rent. While the owners are crowing the financial benefits to the drivers, some drivers are sleeping and eating in their cars because they have to. And let’s not forget that these rideshare companies, which tout the opportunities they are providing to their “non-employees,” are the same entities aggressively funding the development of self-driving cars so that they can totally eliminate the nuisance of dealing with the people they now rely on for their success.

Lawrence Keller, Long Beach


To the editor: It’s been obvious from the start that these companies’ business model is “make money by evading law and regulation.” Just consider Airbnb. Pesky land use regulations keep motels and hotels out of residential neighborhoods? Oh, nonsense.Hotel taxes? Let the competition suffer those losses. Anarchy can be profitable.

Bob Wieting, Simi Valley

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