
Your Scene: The Monastery at Petra, Jordan

The ruins of Petra in Jordan are among the world’s most renowned archaeological sites. The ancient city is known for towering structures half-built and half-carved into the rock. On a trip to the ruins in December, Times reader Sara Shuman shot this photo of the monastery, one of Petra’s most famous structures, with her iPhone. “We rode donkeys up the 800 steps in see this amazing Nabataean monument,” Shuman says. “Most folks don’t take the time and effort to climb up the mountain to see this amazing template. Way worth the trip.”

Petra is in southwest Jordan about 50 miles northeast of Aqaba. Archaeologists credit the Nabataean people with constructing the monuments of Petra more than 2,000 years ago. UNESCO inscribed it as a World Heritage Site in 1985. Here’s a satellite view of the ruins.

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Read about Petra:

Petra, Jordan: A city carved in stone

-- Jason La
